Sep 2022 - Present
Founder | The Mad Hatter
KuberSignal, Boston MA
Role Description
Responsible for decision-making, prototyping, architecting, Data Science, Analytics and content writing.
Content as Founder at KuberSignal
Navigating the Data Privacy Paradox: Investigating the Gap between Concerns and Actions (Blog-post) (Whitepaper) (@youtube-video) (Press-release)
June 2023 - Present
Mentor | Volunteer
The Nustian USA | Adopt a Scholar
Role Description
Working with undergrad students to identify career goals and guiding them towards resources that will help meet those goals. (link)
Aug 2021 - Jun 2022
Data Scientist - Thought Leadership
BitSight Technologies, Boston MA
Role Description
Responsible for interdepartmental collaboration in producing original content as a thought leader as well as instigating optimization and innovation of various processes using ML and statistics across teams.
Articles as Data Scientist at BitSight
From Months to Minutes: Can New Regulations Accelerate the Cyber Incident Disclosure Process? (link) (Whitepaper)
Russia-Ukraine and the Cyber Threat Landscape (link)
BitSight Apache Risk Analysis Highlights Need To Address CISA “Known Vulnerabilities” (link)
Oct 2020 - Jan 2021
Consultant - Data Science
Sybrid Limited, Islamabad PK
Oct 2017 - May 2021
CICS, UMass Amherst, MA, USA
Feb 2016 - June 2017
SMME, NUST, Islamabad PK
Role Description
Responsible for initial research and prototyping of a product for Brand Sentiment Analysis in multiple languages across multiple social media platforms involving various ML algorithms.
Role Description
Assisted as a Teaching Assistant for the following subjects, providing guidance and support to students.
CS187 - Introduction to Programming
CS240 - Reasoning Under Uncertainty
CS250 - Introduction to Computation
CS326 - Web Programming
CS383 - Artificial Intelligence
Contributed as a Research Assistant at DaROS Lab, actively participating in cutting-edge research projects in Robotics and Machine Learning. Worked on the state-of-the-art Mini-Cheetah Robot by MIT.
TinyNets: A variation of Divide and Conquer for inexpensive computation.
Rapid Identification of best P-sparse Networks.
Analysis: Towards Making Systems Forget with Machine Unlearning. link
Finding and locating byzantine Robots in a swarm. link
Inside an Auto encoder. link
Applying Machine Learning Methods to Grammatical Error Correction link
Machine Learning in NLP: A detailed Literature Review link
Role Description
Assisted as a Teaching Assistant for the following subjects, providing guidance and support to students.
Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy Control Systems
Mobile Robotics
Robotics I
Served as a Research Assistant at RIME Lab, participating in research projects encompassing Robotics, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning. Specifically, worked with advanced autonomous systems such as the NAO Robot and Assistive Wheelchair.
Jan 2015 - July 2015
Telecom Engineer
PTCL, Lahore, PK
Role Description
Monitoring, analyzing and suggesting for improvements in infrastructure data and ensuring continuous service.
July 2013 - August 2013
Electrical Engineering Intern
NILOP, Nilore, Islamabad, PK
Role Description
Completed an internship under supervision of Mr. Saddam Hussain, Senior Scientist at Laser Product Development Group, NILOP.
Completed various tasks in the following areas:
Electronic Circuit Design
Microcontroller Programming
Hardware Implementation
Also acquired knowledge in the following software:
Proteous (for simulation and PCB Design)
MikroC (for code development)